
IRS Scam Emails and Phone Calls

July 9, 2018 by Staff
Copeland Buhl, Tax Services

We have been contacted by several clients recently who received scam emails or phone calls “from the IRS”. Scammers will impersonate the IRS by sending emails which look like they are from the IRS or display caller ID which indicates a call from the IRS.

If you receive communication from the IRS follow these steps:

  1. DON’T PANIC. When you panic you are more likely to give the scammer the information they are looking for, which may lead to your identity being compromised.
  2. Get the IRS agent’s identifier number, and tell them you will have your accountant call them. Do not disclose who your accountant is.
  3. Forward the identifier number and any information regarding the request to Copeland Buhl.



  • Initially contact you by email, text message and rarely by phone
  • Threaten arrest, deportation, license revocation
  • Demand that you pay taxes without the opportunity to question or appeal the amount
  • Leave pre-recorded or urgent messages asking for a call back
  • Demand payment with prepaid debit cards, gift cards or wire transfers


If you receive a letter from the IRS, please forward it to Copeland Buhl immediately or call us at 952-476-7100.