
Month: December 2017

Year End Tax Planning for Individuals

December 13, 2017 by Vicki Elliott
Copeland Buhl
Year-end 2017 tax planning presents a unique set of challenges. Uncertainty exists regarding proposed tax reform legislation — uncertainty related to the changes themselves, as well as their timing. Will changes come into play for tax year 2018, or will they be retroactive to 2017? What we do know is...
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Year-End Planning for Businesses

December 13, 2017 by Jeremy Rufsvold
Copeland Buhl
Unfortunately, as of this writing, there is no new tax law to discuss.  While both the House and Senate versions have some interesting proposals, until something is signed into law, it’s difficult to plan for all the possible outcomes of the proposals.  That said, here are some strategies that are...
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Data Breach Best Practices

December 13, 2017 by Staff
Information Systems
It seems like data breaches are becoming more frequent.  For large organizations, they can absorb the cost of these mishaps.  This is not the case with small and medium businesses.  The average breach will cost a business over $6 million.  Sixty percent of small business will be out of business...
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Banking Rule Changes

December 13, 2017 by Staff
Audit & Accounting, Copeland Buhl, Tax Services
The banking rules for businesses are changing effective May 11, 2018, however some banks are implementing the changes early. Therefore, next time you open a business bank account, or renew your line of credit, don’t be surprised if they ask for additional information regarding the individual owners of the business....
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