
Considerations When Selecting An ERP Solution

January 5, 2021 by Staff
Technology Solutions

Considerations When Selecting an ERP Solution

  1. Hire an advisor familiar with many ERP solutions – Advisors who work on selecting and deploying ERP systems daily will provide insight on which software solutions are best of breed and which ones might fit your company best. These advisors also know which solutions are difficult to implement and operate.  A solution which fits one company might not fit another.
  2. Work with an advisor who will learn your company’s unique characteristics and will advocate for you – Seasoned advisors are less concerned with selling any one solution and will go to any length to ensure a successful deployment, even if that means recommending a solution which they do not directly support. 
  3. Document critical workflows and management reports – Every company has their special sauce. Documenting these and asking, “why do we do this?” is critically important before selecting an ERP solution. Outdated or inefficient workflows and reports will sink any new ERP deployment.  By documenting important workflows and reports, focus can remain on what is critical to the business.
  4. The 80/20 rule – No one solution will meet 100% of a company’s needs. It is important to find an easy to deploy, easy to operate solution which will satisfy 80% of your needs.  The last 20% will likely need to be fulfilled by an independent software vendor (ISV) or will need to be customized.  A quality ERP solution will plug and play with any different ISVs.
  5. Plan for success – Deploying an ERP software is complicated. Bringing forward balances, training staff, and ensuring data integrity all must be considered. The most successful ERP deployments are well designed, tested and then implemented.  They are never rushed, and stakeholders are involved from beginning to end.  If an ERP deployment is properly planned, “Go Live” should be a non-event for end users.  

If you are considering an ERP solution in 2021, contact Copeland Buhl.